KodeMetrix Online User Facial Profile Removal Implementation

KodeMetrix now provides free online facial profile removal for removing facial identification profiles from the face recognition database. Should you need to give it a try, please scroll down this screen to carry out the face profile removal procedure. Fill in the enrolled full name then tap Enter.

· 3 min read
Photo by C M / Unsplash
Photo by C M / Unsplash

Erasing Your Face

In the age of selfies and ubiquitous cameras, our faces have become a readily available identifier, captured and stored in countless databases across the internet. While facial recognition technology offers conveniences like unlocking phones and streamlining security checks, concerns are mounting about its potential for misuse and the erosion of privacy. Individuals may find themselves unknowingly included in facial identification databases managed by governments, corporations, or even private individuals. This raises a crucial question: can you remove your profile from these databases and reclaim control over your facial data?

The answer, unfortunately, is not always straightforward. The process of online facial identification database profile removal hinges on several factors, including the specific database in question, your jurisdiction's data privacy laws, and the purpose for which the data is being used.

The Growing Network of Facial Recognition Databases

Facial identification databases exist in various forms, from government-operated systems used for law enforcement and border control to databases compiled by private companies for marketing and security purposes. Social media platforms also collect and store facial data, often through automatic tagging features and photo analysis algorithms. This network of facial data collection raises concerns about:

  • Mass surveillance: Facial recognition technology facilitates widespread monitoring, potentially infringing on individual privacy and freedom of movement.
  • Misuse and discrimination: Biases inherent in facial recognition algorithms can lead to discriminatory outcomes, particularly for marginalized groups.
  • Lack of transparency and control: Individuals often have limited awareness of where their facial data is stored and how it is used, hindering their ability to control its dissemination.

The possibility of removing your profile from a facial identification database depends on several factors:

  • Jurisdiction: Data privacy laws vary significantly across countries. The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants individuals the "right to erasure" under certain conditions, while other regions might lack comprehensive data protection frameworks.
  • Database purpose: Databases used for law enforcement or national security purposes might be exempt from removal requests, while commercial databases could be subject to different regulations.
  • Database accessibility: Publicly accessible databases might offer removal options, while private databases may be more challenging to navigate.

Strategies for Facial Data Removal

Despite the hurdles, several strategies can be employed to attempt facial data removal:

  • Directly contacting the database operator: Look for information on the database's website or contact its customer service directly to inquire about their data removal policies and procedures.
  • Invoking data privacy rights: If your jurisdiction has relevant data privacy laws, you can leverage them to submit a data subject access request (DSAR) or erasure request.
  • Utilizing existing opt-out tools: Some platforms offer opt-out options for facial recognition features or data collection practices. Utilize these tools whenever available.
  • Engaging privacy advocacy groups: Organizations dedicated to digital privacy rights can offer guidance and support in navigating complex data removal processes.

Considerations and Cautions

While pursuing facial data removal, it's crucial to consider potential limitations and unintended consequences:

  • Removal might not be guaranteed: Databases might have legal justifications for retaining data, and complete removal might not always be feasible.
  • Residual data traces: Even after removal, metadata or indirect identifiers linked to your facial data might persist, hindering complete erasure.
  • Alternative uses of data: Removing your profile from one database might not prevent your data from being collected or used by others.


Reclaiming control over your facial data in the era of pervasive facial recognition technology is an ongoing challenge. While legal frameworks and removal pathways are evolving, individuals face practical difficulties and limited guarantees. Nevertheless, understanding your rights, exploring available options, and engaging with privacy advocacy groups can empower you to take steps toward managing your facial data and protecting your privacy in the digital age.

Remove Your Facial Identification Profile

Put in the name of your face profile that you want deleted.